If you’ve heard great things about kettlebell workouts, here’s the set you want to pick up. This Xplode kettlebell set ranges in five-pound increments from five to 70 lbs. Each solid cast iron bell is coated with rubber and firmly attached to a chrome handle crafted to provide an ideal grip. These weights come with durable rubber bases that protect your floors from scratches when you set them down.
As part of a 15 to 30-minute workout or whole-body routine, kettlebell exercises are perfect for sculpting that lean and healthy physique. They’re a simple, effective route to strength, power, posture, improved running form, range of motion, and core engagement and stability.
However, you should observe some simple rules to prevent injury. Take a few minutes to stretch and warm up your arms, legs, core and back. Keep your body aligned and always look straight ahead when you lift or swing, not at the kettlebell or down at the floor. Plant your feet shoulder-width apart and keep weight on your heels. Motion is as important as posture. Pinch your shoulder blades down and in while lifting, with your chest out. Bend straight (like a hinge) at the waist, letting your knees flex. Proper form is critical to maintaining your progress and advancing toward your fitness goals.